5月14日下午,智能科技学院举行了第十九期“格致沙龙”活动。本次活动以“To become an expert of public relations in science”为主题,邀请到学校外语学院左秀媛副教授和智能科技学院芦馨雅开展了讲座。顾敏院士、学院教师以及格致创新班学生等参加了此次活动。活动由蔚浩义博士主持。
蔚浩义博士首先介绍了本次活动的主题,无论是学习生活还是科学研究,如何做一场精彩的学术报告并开展一次成功的学术公关,是学生和科研工作者不可或缺的技能。左秀媛以“Giving a good scientific presentation”为题,针对学术报告中常见的问题,从报告内容呈现、报告逻辑梳理、PPT制作等方面提供了全面且专业的学术展现方法。智能科技学院芦馨雅老师随后以“How to promote your scientific achievements”为题,通过对营销方法的介绍阐释,对学术报告的内容拆析,结合营销报告与学术报告的共同点,进而总结出可以应用于学术展示中的营销方法,进而提高学术报告的吸引力和影响力。
Xiuyuan Zuo is currently an associate professor at School of Foreign Languages, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology. Her main research interests are English for Research and Publication Purposes, computer-mediated collaborative learning, and second language acquisition.
Xinya Lu graduated from the University of Manchester with background in Economics and Marketing. Before joining SAIST, she worked for the world's leading public relations company BCW, providing professional PR services for international and local brands in the fields of luxury, fashion, beauty, technology and so on.