


胡津铭,沪江博士后。20216月获得北京理工大学凝聚态物理专业理学博士学位。主要研究领域为激光加工钙钛矿材料及其全光学习应用。目前在Journal of Material Science & TechnologyJournal of Materials Chemistry CNanoscale等期刊发表SCI论文20余篇。主持钙钛矿一维异质纳米结构的制备及其在宽光谱探测器中的研究博士后面上项目1项。


1) 激光与材料相互作用

2) 可重构光学神经网络

3) 光学与光电子器件



1) Hu, J. M; Yang, S. Y; Zhang, Z. H; Li, H. L; Chandrasekar, P. V; Sulaman, M. I; Saleem, M. I; Tang, Y; Jiang, Y. R; Tang, L. B; Zou, B. S, Solution-processed, flexible and broadband photodetector based on CsPbBr3/PbSe quantum dot heterostructures. J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 2020, 68, 216-226.

2) Hu, J. M; Shi, Y. S; Zhang, Z. H; Zhi, R. N; Li, H. L; Tang, Y; Yang, S. Y; Zou, B. S, To enhance the performance of all-inorganic perovskite photodetectors via constructing both bilayer heterostructure and bipolar carrier transporting channels. J. Mater. Chem. C 2019, 7, 14938-14948. 

3) Hu, J. M; Shi, Y. S; Zhang, Z. H; Zhi, R. N; Yang, S. Y; Zou, B. S, Recent progress of infrared photodetectors based on lead chalcogenide colloidal quantum dots. Chin. Phys. B 2019, 28 (2), 20701-020701.

