


蔡博渊,男,1983年出生,上海理工大学光子芯片研究院特聘研究员,副研究员,硕士生导师。分别在2006年和2009年获得南开大学本科及硕士学位,2015年毕业于澳大利亚斯文本科技大学,获得博士学位,博士期间从事金属纳米颗粒等离子激元特性,薄膜太阳能电池的研究。20216月加入上海理工大大学,从事纳米光子学、能源光子学等领域的研究。主要研究激光加工钙钛矿发光材料及其在人工衍射神经网络的应用,激光剥离和解键合技术,基于非线性材料的光子忆阻器的研究,此外开展介质超材料在中红外波段的吸收辐射特性,以实现日间辐射降温制冷器件。在Advanced Science, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Science Advances, Applied Physics LettersOptics Express等国际期刊发表相关SCI论文20多篇,其中一作及通讯作者10多篇,授权专利3项。曾主持国家自然科学基金项目“基于等离子激元强干涉的窄带纳米级超薄光电探测器的研究”,曾主持省部级项目“基于石墨烯和三维等离子纳米颗粒阵列的光电流增强效应及光电探测器的应用研究”。目前参与科技部国家重点研发计划“高品质激光剥离与解键合装备开发及应用示范”子课题


1) 非线性材料的光子忆阻器

2) 激光超分辨加工钙钛矿材料及DNN中应用,激光剥离和解键合

3) 日间辐射制冷器件



1) M. Abbas#, B. Cai#*, Jinlong Hu, Fei Guo, Yaohua Mai, and Xiao-Cong Yuan*, “Improving the Photovoltage of Blade-Coated MAPbI3 Perovskite Solar Cells via Surface and Grain Boundary Passivation with π-Conjugated Phenyl Boronic Acids”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021, 13 (39), 46566-46576

2)W.Zeqiang#, B. Cai#, Z. Wan, Y. Zhang, X. Ma, M. Gu, and Q. Zhang*. 2022. Low-Threshold Optical Bistability in the Graphene-Oxide Integrated Asymmetric Nanocavity at Visible Light Frequencies Nanomaterials 2022, 12(7), 1117

3) W. He, J. Hu, C. Chen, Y. Chen, L. Zeng, X. Zhang, B. Cai*, Y. Mai, and F. Guo*” Temperature-Assisted Crystal Growth of Photovoltaic α-Phase FAPbI3 Thin Films by Sequential Blade Coating,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020, 12 (50), 55830-55837 

4) M. Abbas, L. Zeng, F. Guo, M. Rauf, X.C. Yuan and B.Cai*, “A Critical Review on Crystal Growth Techniques for Scalable Deposition of Photovoltaic Perovskite Thin Films” Materials 2020, 13(21), 4851 

5) F. Guo, S. Qiu, J. Hu, H. Wang, B. Cai*, J. Li, X-C Yuan, X. Liu, K. Forberich, C. J. Brabec, and Y. Mai*, “A Generalized Crystallization Protocol for Scalable Deposition of High-Quality Perovskite Thin Films for Photovoltaic Applications,” Advanced Science,1901067 (2019).

6) A. Kong, B. Cai*, S. Peng, and X-C. Yuan*, “Ultra-broadband all-dielectric metamaterial thermal emitter for passive radiative cooling,” Optics Express 27 (21), 30102-30115 (2019).

7) B. Cai*, H. Wang, J. Fan, Y. Mai and X-C. Yuan, “Enhanced absorption in monolithic perovskite/CuInGaSe2 tandem solar cells with double surface-engineered nanostructures,” Journal of Photonics for Energy, 024501 (2018). 

8) B. Cai, Y. Peng, Y-B. Cheng and M. Gu*, “4-fold photocurrent enhancement in ultrathin nanoplasmonic perovskite solar cells,” Optics Express 23, A1700-A1706 (2015). 

9) B. Cai, B. Jia, J. Fang, G. F. Hou, X. D. Zhang, Y. Zhao and M Gu*, “Entire band absorption enhancement in double-side textured ultrathin solar cells by nanoparticle imprinting,” Journal of Applied Physics 117, 223102 (2015).

10) B. Cai, B. Jia and M. Gu*, “Hetero-structured lumpy nanoparticle conformal structure for high absorbance of ultrathin film amorphous silicon solar cells,” Applied Physics Letters 103, 253106 (2013).

11) B. Cai, B. Jia, Z. Shi and M. Gu*, “Near-field light concentration of ultra-small metallic nanoparticles for absorption enhancement in a-Si solar cells,” Applied Physics Letters 102, 093107 (2013).

12) 蔡博渊; 孔阿茹; 石鹏; 刘民航; 褚宪薇; 袁小聪; 一种三维锥形纳米层膜结构、制备方法及其应用, 中国, CN201910170123.2, 2019-3-6

13) 蔡博渊; 成龙; 袁小聪; 吸收器及其制备方法, 中国, CN201910363113.0, 2019-4-30

14) 孔阿茹; 刘民航; 蔡博渊; 张聿全; 袁小聪; 产生结构色的纳米加工系统, 中国, ZL201920286218.6, 2020-02-07

