


张启明,教授,博士生导师,上海理工大学光子芯片研究院执行副院长。2011年在复旦大学信息学院光科学与工程系获得光学博士学位。主要在人工智能微纳光子学器件、光信息存储、飞秒激光加工等领域开展研究工作。目前主持科技部重点研发专项、国家自然科学基金面上项目等专项,获得多项国家级青年人才和省部级人才。在Science,  Nature Communications, Nature Review Materials等杂志发表学术研究论文60余篇。


1) 人工智能纳米光子学器件

2) 光信息存储

3) 激光加工



1) X. Ma, Y. Wang, X. Hao, M. Gu, Q. Zhang, Giant Nonlinear Optical Response of Graphene Oxide Thin Films Under the Photochemical and Photothermal Reduction. Advanced Materials Interfaces 9,  (2022).

2) Y. Li et al., Multiscale diffractive U-Net: a robust all-optical deep learning framework modeled with sampling and skip connections. Opt Express 30, 36700-36710 (2022).

3) M. Chen et al., Direct laser writing of graphene oxide for ultra-low power consumption memristors in reservoir computing for digital recognition. National Science Open,  (2022).

4) L. Liang et al., Continuous-wave near-infrared stimulated-emission depletion microscopy using downshifting lanthanide nanoparticles. Nat Nanotechnol 16, 975-+ (2021). 

5) W. Xin, Q. Zhang, M. Gu, Inverse design of optical needles with central zero-intensity points by artificial neural networks. Opt Express 28, 38718-38732 (2020).

6) E. Goi, Q. Zhang, X. Chen, H. Luan, M. Gu, Perspective on photonic memristive neuromorphic computing. Photonix 1,  (2020). 

7) Q. Zhang, H. Yu, M. Barbiero, B. Wang, M. Gu, Artificial neural networks enabled by nanophotonics. Light-Science & Applications 8,  (2019). 

8) Q. Zhang, Z. Xia, Y.-B. Cheng, M. Gu, High-capacity optical long data memory based on enhanced Young's modulus in nanoplasmonic hybrid glass composites. Nat Commun 9,  (2018). 

9) H. Ren, X. Li, Q. Zhang, M. Gu, On-chip noninterference angular momentum multiplexing of broadband light. Science 352, 805-809 (2016).

10) M. Gu, Q. Zhang, S. Lamon, Nanomaterials for optical data storage. Nat Rev Mater 1,  (2016).


